We are pleased to be restarting outdoor skills building drills and team-based practice per Maryland Roadmap to Recovery. It is imperative we follow these guidelines to maintain the safety of our players and coaches.
We are excited to get training again!
What to Bring With You To Be Prepared To Play:
Mask (face covering)
Water: No sharing of water bottles or other personal equipment is permitted. Everyone should have their own water bottles. Please label with your name.
Soccer Ball: in order to minimize touches of others balls for individual training drills players will use their own ball.
Health Check:
Coaches, players, parents should do a self-symptom check before going to practice.
If you have any symptoms of illness, you should not come to practice.
Additional screening questions may be asked at practice.
Coaches or players who were sick from COVID-19 may not attend a practice or training until they are cleared for release from isolation according to CDC guidance and cleared by their healthcare provider.
Any coach or player exposed to a person with confirmed or probable case of COVID-19 may not attend the program until they have completed quarantine following CDC guidelines.
At Practice:
All coaches will wear masks
Players age 9 and older should wear face coverings if they can be worn safely.
Hand sanitizer will be made available at every training session and players and coaches will wash hands prior to practice and frequently as needed.
Social distancing should be followed. Parents & coaches should designate space for each player to maintain six foot spacing
No-Touch rule is in effect. Everyone must avoid physical contact with others. No high fives, huddles, or other close contact before, during, and after training.
Coming and Going from Practice:
Parents and family members should return to and stay in their vehicles during training sessions.
No additional spectators should be around players during training sessions.
All players/staff/parents/guardians should wear face coverings when arriving and leaving
Time will be allotted between sessions to allow teams to exit fields/facilities prior to new team arriving. Please arrive on time and depart on time to facilitate this
Do not arrive more than five minutes before your start time
Players and parents should wear your face covering when coming to and from your car.
Maintain social distancing, 6ft minimum, at all times.
No congregation should occur before or after training or practice session. Players should not be on the field alone without coaches/managers supervision.
Please depart within five minutes after the end of your practice.
Make sure to take all of your belongings with you. There will be no lost and found.