RULES & Procedures

Special Rules:
If one team gains a 5-goal advantage over the opposing team, the opposing team may add an additional player on the field until the goal difference is less than 5.​
6v6 (5 + keeper)
For co-ed leagues, at least 2 of the 6 players on the field must be females.
**NO sliding, with or without the ball; NO EXCEPTIONS.
**Clarification: A slide will be called when any part of a player’s arm, hand or knee makes contact with the ground and he or she attempts to play the ball.​
Throw-ins enforced when out of bounds.
All kicks are DIRECT
For safety reasons, only players and coaches are allowed inside of the field. Teams may receive a loss of playing time by violating this rule. Failure to cooperate with management will lead to a delayed start and risk of cancellation.
The Referee allows play to continue when the fouled team will benefit from an existing offensive advantage
Time Out Structure & Arrival:
ALL GAMES CONSIST OF (48) MINUTES TOTAL - (2) 24-min halves.
For games running every 50 minutes - No timeouts are allotted.
For games running every 55-minutes - No timeouts are allotted.
For games running every 60-minutes - One timeout per team per half.
*NO time-out permitted within the final minute of play.
*NO time-out permitted once the delay count has started.
Timeouts may only be given if the team is in possession of the ball during stoppage of play, ex: throw-in, goal kick, free kick, etc.
Teams are expected to arrive 15 minutes prior to scheduled game time to ensure full 48-minute game is played and avoid delays or loss of game time.
Delay Of Game:
A player has 5 seconds to put the ball in play. A card may be issued for delay of game. Referees will use their discretion to decide when to begin the count due to intentional delay tactics.
Dead Ball:
Players must bring the ball to a complete stop before restarting a play (goal-kick, free-kick, corner-kick, etc.) They may restart the play without the referee’s whistle unless a penalty is involved.
Offense may play the ball immediately after spotting the ball; PLAYER(S) ON THE FIELD MUST ASK FOR DISTANCE IF THEY WANT IT. If offense asks for space, they must wait until the whistle to the play ball (3 yards will be given when asking for distance).
**Scooping the ball is considered a double touch and is not allowed.
Defense must always give a minimum of 1-2 steps as the offense has the right to play out.
Any discretion regarding game day rosters should be handled when discretion is observed. If complaint is made after the game, staff will assess the alleged discretion, however, game results may stand.
The ball is placed on the penalty spot outside of the box. Players must stand behind the ball. The goalie cannot come off of his line until the ball is kicked.
Per FIFA rules, in a pk shoot out, one single shot is awarded per player.
Also per FIFA rules, in a single awarded pk, if the pk shot comes off the goal frame, the shooter is not eligible to be the first to touch the ball again. Such would award a free-kick going the other way. However, if the shot is saved by the keeper, any player can touch the ball including the pk shooter.
Teams are responsible for bringing their own game ball. Each team should have 1 game ball.
Turf or flat-soled shoes are required (NO cleats will be permitted, no exceptions).
All players must wear shin guards, and long socks.
Teams must be dressed in matching colored shirts.
Numbers are suggested, but not required. Teams must have an alternate set of matching shirts in case of a color conflict.
The away team must change colors in the event of a conflict.
Substitutions are on the fly:
There is no stoppage of play for substitutions [except goalie (no stoppage of clock)]. Enter/Exit should be from the middle of the field. Failure to substitute appropriately may result in blue card.
A FOUL occurs if a player commits any play/action that the referee sees as dangerous, reckless. See examples of fouls below:
(a) Holding an opponent
(b) Handling the ball (exception of goalie within box/boundaries)
(c) Playing in a dangerous manner
(d) Impeding the progress of an opponent (obstruction)
(f) Preventing the Goalkeeper from releasing the ball from his hands
(g) Kicking an opponent
(h) Tripping an opponent
(i) Jumping at an opponent
(j) Charging an opponent
(k) Striking or elbowing an opponent
(l) Pushing an opponent
(m) Encroachment: Entering protected area of an opposing player taking a free kick (warning may be given)
(n) Other: Behavior in which (REFS DISCRETION) does not warrant another category of penalty (ex. foul language or taunting)
In instances where the referee would issue a blue card, but does not immediately, the offense is recorded and assessed as customary once the play is stopped.
*If a player is under a yellow card (2 min. suspension without substitution) and opposing team scores a goal, the team under offense is no longer under time penalty and may resubmit a player.
Player receiving BLUE card must sit out for 2 minutes; team may sub on a different player (blue card is issued to penalize the player)
Player receiving YELLOW card must sit out for 2 minutes; team must play down a player for the entire 2 minutes (yellow card is issued to penalize the player and the team)
Any player or coach that receives a red card must leave the team area; management may request that the coach or player leave the premise.
Any player that receives a red card must serve a one-week suspension from play. If person plays in multiple leagues, they may or may not be allowed to play in separate leagues; it is the player’s responsibility to confirm with desk staff the severity of the suspension.
Management always determines the severity of a red card suspension. If players have any questions pertaining to suspension it is their responsibility to reach out to appropriate league coordinator.
Management may banish a player or coach for longer periods of time due to the severity of infraction (at management’s discretion).
If a player attempts to play in a game illegally, (they're under suspension) the protocol is typically that the game will not be a forfeit. However, the player will typically be issued a 2 game suspension (not including the game the player is found illegally playing in). If found playing in game illegally, staff may or may not allow the player to finish out the game that is discretion of staff working but they extra 2 game suspension will be issues regardless.
The team forfeiting their game will receive a 3-0 loss.
Teams may allow opposition to pick up a non-rostered player(s) instead of taking the forfeit. In this instance, the final score will be noted as a regular game.
For hour long game slots, the clock may start as late as 10 minutes after the original posted game time. For 50 minute game slots, the clock must start promptly at the posted game time. Teams must have minimum number of eligible players to begin game (4 players). The team has until minute 16:00 of the first half (16:00 out of 24:00) to field the minimum numbers of players to avoid potential forfeit. At this time (15:59) the opposing team may request forfeit (game will not be played if this is the case) or alternatively, the team can allow the team more time or allow the team to borrow players if they simply wish to play.
ROSTER/WAIVER FORM: – No individual is allowed to play until necessary information and signatures are properly completed. Failure to comply may result in forfeiture of all the games played.
Team rosters must be signed, completed and turned in prior to the FIRST league game. For ADULT leagues players may be added to the roster at anytime during the first 4 games. Each player must play at least 3 regular-season-games (3 out of 7 regular-season-games) to be eligible to play in playoffs).​
Players may play on one team per division.
A player is officially a member of the team that he/she first signed for. In order to switch teams (after already playing one game with original team) you must add yourself to the new roster as well as sit out for one game in between transition of teams. You may only switch rosters up until the third game as you must sit out one game and play at least 3 regular season games to be eligible for playoffs.
If a team has the minimum number of legal players to start the game (4 for adult) but wishes to have a substitute, they may borrow one player from another team, or pick up a non-roster player who is acceptable to the opposing team.
If a team is short on female players, they may borrow a female from another team as long as it's in the regular season. Females may only play with their original team (one team per division) during playoffs.
It is the referee's responsibility to keep the games on schedule. Shortened halves or reduced intermissions can be utilized at the discretion of the referee and/or the facility duty manager in order to maintain the game schedules.
All decisions made by the referee will be in reference to the interpretation and implementation of the rules of the game and are considered final. Protests regarding the incorrect application of the laws of the game must be submitted via email to cj@soccerdome.com. Protests regarding a player's eligibility should be noted before you start the game.​
Players cannot be under the influence of any drugs or alcohol while playing. Soccerdome referees & management have the authority to disallow any players from participating. The discretion is up to Soccerdome referees & management. This may be ruled for suspicion alone. The severity of your suspension/ban will be up to Soccerdome management.
Players may be required to show proof of age or identity before or at any time during a season.
By participating in Soccer Dome leagues, players, Coaches and Parents are accepting that they may experience human error.
It is the responsibility of each player and/or coach to be aware of the total status of infractions. Awareness of rules & policies will empower a team to play the game to the maximum level.
Soccer Dome management reserves the right to terminate an individual's participation at the facility for violation of any policy. Participation maybe terminated during a game, at which time the player will be ejected. A red card does not have to be issued for Soccerdome to issue a suspension or ban for players and/or spectators.
Referees have complete authority and discretion to make calls on points of fact connected with the game; these calls are final, however, if you have a different opinion please wait until the end of the half or the end of the game and calmly bring your concern to the ref and/or desk staff.
Protests regarding the incorrect application of the laws of the game must be submitted via email to cj@soccerdome.com
A game shall be abandoned if members of one or both teams leave the bench to engage in misconduct.
Desk staff, referees and management reserve the right to make necessary changes within league divisions to ensure a fair level of ability and competition. Teams are typically judged by their strongest listed lineup.
ROUND-ROBIN LEAGUES: If 2 teams are tied in points at the end of the round-robin league/tournament, tiebreaker goes to (1) goal-differential (2) goals for
TIE-BREAKERS: If a playoff game is tied at the end of regulation, a 5-minute overtime period will be added; if still tied after 5-min overtime period, penalty kicks will follow. During penalties, choose 3 players to take kicks (for CO-ED leagues - 2 males and 1 female).
LEAGUE REGISTRATION: Teams are registered on a first-come, first-serve basis for ALL leagues. For ADULT LEAGUES, current teams have priority first. For YOUTH LEAGUES teams in winter I must register for winter II (you will NOT be rolled over.)
DEPOSITS: Every league requires a deposit towards the league fee – this fee will be communicated to you upon registration. Soccerdome attempts to be as flexible as possible but if you wait last minute to drop out, your deposit may not be refunded. It is your responsibility to educate yourself on the time frames of games, practices etc. If you present us with a conflict last minute, your team must assume responsibility. Your deposit will be refunded if you do not receive a spot in our league.
FEES: There are no ref fees or taxes applied to our fees. What you see is what you pay. Soccer Dome attempts to be as flexible as possible but we expect proper communication from teams.
LEAGUE FEE: For ADULT LEAGUES the balance of the team is due by the third game. For YOUTH LEAGUES the balance of the team is due before your first game. NO EXCEPTIONS
CREDITS: No teams will receive credit for a forfeited game. If a team experiences more than 1 forfeit in a single session, it is the discretion of the staff to determine if the team will receive a $70 credit (adult leagues only).
ADULT League Schedules: Once the first (7) games are completed, the top (4) teams will play semi-finals. The remaining teams in the group will begin consolation games. 8th game is added once the 7th game is completed; final game is added once the 8th game is complete. Teams must make note of any schedule requests on the online registration form.
RESCHEDULING GAMES: Schedule requests must be made upon registration on the online registration form.
General Snow/Inclement Weather Policy:
Soccer Dome will attempt to stay open and plowed so that teams who choose to play, are able to. FOLLOW the FACILITY STATUS on the front homepage of the website. Should Soccer Dome facilities CLOSE, a message will be posted on the front homepage. If you choose not to play your game, please notify us so we can quickly let the opposing team know. An attempt will be made to reschedule postponed games due to inclement weather, however, a make-up is not guaranteed. If the facility closes before the leagues start then all games will be pushed back one week.
​Rules 35 & Over Specific:​
All players must be 35 y/o or older ​
All players are expected to have PROOF-OF-AGE at each game. Must be a physical ID/Passport, we do not accept pictures on phone.
The only proof-of-age we accept is:
MD state Driver's License.
MD State ID.
Passport. ​
*Proof-of-age must be presented to the league coordinator. A player is not obligated to present proof of age to another player or team captain. Due to privacy laws, SD employees cannot require this.
The league coordinator/referee only needs to ID a player once per session.
If a player leaves for a session, they may be asked to present proof-of-age again upon return. ​
Rules SOCCER MOMS Specific:
On Friday Evenings, both SoccerDome locations are home of our unique " Moms League". Women come and play in leagues that are appropriate for their skill level, with players they make friends with. The get to enjoy the game of soccer in our indoor facility, sharpen their skills and obtain a nice work out. The competitive edge is taken out of the league with specific rules and regulations and having fun while working out and playing soccer is the main objective.
Follow Normal SoccerDome Rules with these exceptions:
*Our Friday night soccer mom league has some special rules. Team captains should make these rules available to their players.
Age & Skill Guidelines: All players must be at least 24 years old. No exceptions should be requested, unless the player is almost 24 years old, is in fact a mom, AND is a beginning or intermediate level player.
No player who has played college soccer in the past five years is eligible to play in this league. Players who have skills that exceed the level of play intended for this league may be asked not to play in this league due to advanced skill level. These individuals are welcome to play in our various other leagues (Wed. SD1 Jessup Womens and/or Coed options).
3 Goal/Player Rule: This means no player can score more than 3 goals in a single game. A fourth goal will not count. A free kick will be awarded to the opposing team from the spot that the goal was kicked, and the player who took the shot will be given a blue card.
Substitution Guidelines: Allowing substitutes is encouraged to avoid forfeiture.
Subtitutes should come from your current div (or lower). Upper division players may substitute for lower division teams as a last resort but MAY NOT shoot or score.
Substitutions do require notifying the opposing team and ref of the substitutes.
However, this depends on the number of players each team has at the beginning of a match. Teams should be allowed to have 7 players (at least one sub), provided the opposing team also has at least one sub.
Goalies are not considered as substitutes in this league and can play for any/all teams.