Contact Us
Contact CJ Everett
(443) 755-0014 (M-F 10am-5pm)
Information Required
Please have the following information available:
1. Name of parent/guardian
2. Contact information (email & cell phone number)
3. What city do you travel from?
4. Player (Full) Name
5. Player DOB
6. Player Experience (How many seasons of playing experience? Do they practice soccer at home? Do they watch professional soccer? Attendance of programs/camps/clinics/leagues etc.)
Player Evaluations offered year-round! Evaluations take place at our in-season (spring/fall) or off-season (winter/summer) training sessions. Soccerdome FC teams compete in the area's most popular outdoor travel leagues in season and include a quality winter program (Dec-Mar) and optional 7-week summer training.
Typically training sessions are held at our main outdoor field:
Jessup Recreation Park: 1834 Montevideo Rd, Hanover, MD 21076
Please arrive 5 minutes early!